Keeping You Fit For Life
Copy of Spirit XT285 TREADMILL, Spirit XE195 ELLIPTICAL,Spirit ellipticals, Home elliptical
Copy of Spirit XT285 TREADMILL, Spirit XE195 ELLIPTICAL,Spirit ellipticals, Home elliptical
Copy of Spirit XT285 TREADMILL
Copy of Spirit XT285 TREADMILL
Copy of Spirit XT285 TREADMILL
Copy of Spirit XT285 TREADMILL
Copy of Spirit XT285 TREADMILL
Copy of Spirit XT285 TREADMILL
Copy of Spirit XT285 TREADMILL
Copy of Spirit XT285 TREADMILL
Copy of Spirit XT285 TREADMILL
Copy of Spirit XT285 TREADMILL

Spirit Fitness XE195 Elliptical


The XE195 is a sturdy, dependable elliptical with a few less programs and features as our high end models. This model is very appealing to someone that wants a reliable unit without the additional expense of adjustability and premium features.

This unit features a 7.5” bright blue backlit LCD console, an extensive amount of exercise data, electromagnetic resistance, a post workout summary of the accumulated data, and a 2” Q-Factor (space between pedals).

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